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SSP22 Blog – Week 0 (online)


We are ready to launch!

The week before the official start of activities for the Space Studies Program 2022 (SSP22), the entire crew of this exciting mission convened to carry out some important activities for the success of this wonderful trip. From Portugal or anywhere in the world, everyone is getting ready for launch.

The SSP22 runs in two modalities, in-person and online. No matter what, all participants will have the same curricular activities, which will be carried out without losing the global vision and the “3-I’s” philosophy of ISU: Intercultural, International, Interdisciplinary.


During week 0, the Teaching Associates (TA) and other staff members conducted several training sessions to ensure all lectures and activities run smoothly throughout the program. During these sessions, TAs learned about their functions, tools such as MS Streams and ran practice sessions and lecture rehearsals. The key to a space mission is great teamwork, so after the training, it was time to turn the crew into a true family.

The highlight of the week was the Pre-SSP22 Fun Mingling Night, our first moment in which some participants and staff members got together to have some fun. A very nice moment to get to know each other better in a very safe environment. It was wonderful to learn how many things connect us and how many topics and experiences the ISU incoming community is sharing! An incredible journey is starting for all of us. This session was conducted by our two Participants Liaisons (CapComs) Melody (on site) and JC (online).

One can hardly think of a better way to kick off SSP22.

We’re GO for launch!


Giorgio Lorini, Staff Events Coordinator

JC Mariscal, CapCom