ISU SSP23 Call for Chairs, Mission Control Team and Activity Proposals

The International Space University (ISU) is now accepting applications for Chairs, Mission Control Team, as well as Activity Proposals from ISU Faculty, the ISU community, and other interested space professionals for its 2023 Space Studies Program (SSP23) in São José dos Campos, Brazil, from 26 June – 25 August 2023.

Applications will only be accepted through the ISU Buzz Platform. Applications submitted by e-mail will not be accepted.


To respond to any of the above calls, please follow these steps:

1. Read the details of the call you are interested in and apply by clicking on the above links. This is important, even if you have previously applied/participated in the SSP. There are changes and updates, including the new Team Project descriptions for 2023 (final wording still pending).

2. Provide the information requested for the position(s) you are interested in. Save your inputs.

If you have any questions regarding this call, send an email to:

Please share this announcement with anyone you think might be interested. While we try our best to reach everyone in the ISU community and beyond, we inevitably miss a few. Do not hesitate to disseminate.

More information about ISU’s Space Studies Program

We are looking forward to your applications and proposals!

James Lewis
SSP/SHSSP Executive Director
International Space University/
NASA Johnson Space Center