Research Lunches

The Central Campus of the International Space University ISU has started a new seminar series to discuss research related to space, performed within its walls, on the Parc d’Innovation d’Illkirch-Graffenstaden, or by our visitors and lecturers.

Please join us for informal discussions!​

After an inaugural lunch on October 16, 2019, we have our research lunch every week or two at 12:45, typically on Wednesdays but adjusting to the constraints of the speaker.

At that time of the day, most students and researchers of ISU and local university departments and companies usually have a free slot to meet and discuss the latest developments of their own research, or of the studies of our visitors and lecturers.

The format is to have first an (informal) 30-min presentation, followed by a 15-min paper discussion, or conference summary, both favoring interruptions and interactions!

For now, the research lunches will take place in the Pioneer Hall or outside, weather permitting, to respect physical distancing.

Lunches in 2021/2022:

  • 8 February: Vincent Tatischeff (IJCLab, Université Paris-Saclay): Gamma-Ray Burst Polarimetry with a CubeSat mission
  • 31 January: Nana Ama Browne Klutse (Univ. of Ghana): The role of scenarios in climate change mitigation and adaptation in Africa
  • 14 January: Caoimhe Rooney (NASA Ames): Head in the clouds: mathematical modeling cloudy exoplanets
  • 26 November: Adam Russell (ESO): ESO Instrumentation
  • 3 November: Sarah Goubet and Vincent Sionneau (WaterShed Monitoring): Water quality monitoring and prediction
  • 15 September (16:30 CEST): Giovannni Fazio (Harvard & Smithsonian): Viewing the Universe in Infrared Light: The Spitzer Space Telescope
  • 29 September (12:45 CEST): Ruthanne Huising (emlyon business school): on ethics in innovation

Lunches in 2020/2021:

  • 26 April: Kenza Bousedra (Unistra/BETA): How to measure downstream space activities in the New Space era? Theoretical analysis and development of economic indicators
  • 15 April: Mengu Cho (Kyutech)
  • 30 March: Michele Armano (ESA): Science and technology of gravitational waves with the ESA LISA Pathfinder Mission
  • 23 March: Katarzyna Malinowska (Kozminski): In-orbit servicing
  • 4 March: Marie Vanstalle (Unistra/IPHC): Nuclear data for space radiation protection
  • 26 January: Prof. Virginia Wotring (ISU): Dose Tracker – the story of an ISS study
  • 9 February: Dr. Francis Rocard (CNES): Mars exploration
  • 6 January: Ezequiel Gonzáles (ISU/ESTEC): Exoplanet atmosphere transit spectroscopy
  • 18 November: Colin McInnes (Glasgow): Micro-to-macro: space technologies at extremes of length-scale
  • 26 November: Gongling Sun (ISU): the Chinese Lunar Exploration Program
  • 1 December: Andrew Winnard (Northumbria): Space Medicine Systematic Reviews
  • 5 November: Géraldine Vitry (ISU): DNA damage, cell adaptation and oxidative stress managing in pulmonary arterial hypertension
  • 7 October: Mirjana Povic (ESSTI/IAA): Astronomy for Development in Africa: Ethiopia as an example
  • 30 September: Cécile Doubre (Unistra/EOST): Geodesy and Seismology from Space
  • 23 September: Christophe Dabin (CNES): the CNES Scientific Ground Segment
  • 16 September: Andy Williams (ESO, remotely): satellite megaconstellations and ground-based astronomy: How to regulate clashes between earth and space based activities, between science and commerce
  • 9 September: Virginia Wotring (ESO, hydrid): A new virus among us–season 2

Lunches in 2019/2020:

  • 1 July: Mohamed Elhariry (ISU) on optical communications, and Ezequiel González (ISU): Towards a global SETI initiative
  • 17 June: Henry Hertzfeld (George Washington): International Law, Economic Realities, and Space Resources: More Questions than Answers
  • 23 June: Olivier Hainaut (European Southern Observatory): light pollution by satellite constellations (jointly with the Astronomical Observatory of Strasbourg)
  • 10 June: Olivier White (U. Bourgogne): The brain, gravity and fractals
  • 3 June: Iya Whiteley (UCL): Human mission to MARS: Exploring Human mind; Giuliana Rotola and Federico Rondoni (ISU): Life on Mars: To Terraform or not to Terraform
  • 27 May: Tricia Larose (NTNU): Spaceflight Preparation
  • 30 April: Sabine Klinker (IRS): Flying Laptop and new developments; Iliass Tanouti (ISU) on OneWeb bankruptcy and the spacenews webinar
  • 5 May: Ignasi Ribas (IEEC): the IEEC and space astronomy projects (jointly with the Astronomical Observatory of Strasbourg); and Sue Kaur (ISU): Women in astronomy
  • 16 April: David Jeevendrampillai and Aaron Parkhurst (UCL): New Space and space exploration: a brief introduction to anthropology and its relation to outer space, an outline of the ETHNO-ISS project and some examples of work to date.
  • 1 April: Pascale Ehrenfreund (DLR/ISU): New Space and space exploration
  • 17 March: Virginia Wotring (ISU): A new virus among us
  • 4 March: Gongling Sun (ISU): China Lunar Exploration Roadmap and Introduction of Chang’e-4 Mission
  • 19 February: Taiwo Tejumola (ISU): Space Systems – Requirements for small Spacecrafts ; Supreet Kaur (ISU): Human Factors at NASA Ames Research Center
  • 6 February: Stephanie Rochas: my week at EAC; Avner Bendheim: “Design thinking is a human-centered approach to innovation that draws from the designer’s toolkit to integrate the needs of people, the possibilities of technology, and the requirements for business success” (Tim Brown, CEO of IDEO).
  • 23 January: Hervé Cadiou, on the geomagntic orientation of animals; paper: Anamol Mittal (ISU): the Space Generation Advisory Council
  • 7 January: Prof. Kazuya Yoshida (Tohoku University); paper: Anamol Mittal (ISU): the Space Generation Advisory Council
  • 4 December 2019: James Hurell and Hameed Mohamed (ISU): Sonobubbles after ZARM, paper, Shreya Sarkar (ISU): Benefits of Multi-NGSS
  • 20 November 2019: Vasilis Zervos (ISU) “The European space-industrial complex: New myths, old realities”, Giuliana Rotola (ISU): “The legal framework protecting cultural heritage sites on the Moon and in situ preservation”
  • 6 November 2019: Jean-Marie Hameury (Observatoire de Strasbourg): CNES science projects, followed by a summary of the IAC of Washington by Juan de Dalmau
  • 16 October 2019: Bertrand Goldman (ISU/Observatoire de Strasbourg): What the ESA Gaia mission tells us about nearby comoving stars; paper: Virginia Wötring: The NASA Twins studies.