Partners & Sponsors

ISU would like to thank the following sponsors and individuals for their generous and ongoing support.


Kyle Acierno
Matteo Aquilano
Emilio Batista
Patrick Beatty
Steven Brody
Nathan Brookes
Pierre Brunner
Angie Bukley
Jim Burke
Laura Burns
Carol Carnett
Lin Hartung Chambers
Illaria Cinelli
Michael Clanton
Andrea Coto
Juan De Dalmau
Juan Carlos Fernandez Diaz
Debra Faktor Lepore
Margarett Finarelli
Jessica Fleischer
Are Vidar Boye Hansen
Matthias Heumesser
Adil Jafry
Helmut Kessler
Kris Lehnhardt
Shang Linfeng
John Logsdon
Thomas Mueller
Irene Myers
James H Newman
Timo Nikkanen
Rene Oosterlinck
Joe Pelton
Roger Pierce
Michael Potter
Allyson Reneau
Claude Rousseau
Jeffrey Ryder
Silvio Sandrone
Brian Schoening
Abigail Elizabeth Sherriff
Matthew Shouppe
Nicholas Strzalkowski
Michael K Simpson
Chris & Nicole Stott
Rob Swinney
Eric Tilenius
Tatsunari Tomiyama
Michel Van Pelt
David Vivanco
Erika Wagner
Lin Wigbels
Tom Willems
Barbara Wood
Simon (Pete) Worden